Services Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Payment for a consultation or course is confirmation that you have read our terms and conditions

Payment must be made by BACS transfer at the time of booking with your child’s name as the reference.

Sleepy Diary and Questionnaire

Sleep and Therapy Services CIC will email you a sleep diary and sleep questionnaire for you to complete prior to your initial consultation. This provides important information about your child’s sleep pattern.

It is essential that these are emailed back to the company 24 hours before your initial consultation.

If you are having difficulty completing the documents, please contact as soon as possible.

Duration of Packages

Sleep and Therapy Services CIC is committed to support parents during the implementation of their sleep plan. Follow up consultations will be arranged with your sleep practitioner within your specified time frame. Any unused appointments cannot be taken outside of the specified time frames.

If exceptional circumstances arise which prevent implementation please notify your sleep practitioner immediately, follow up consultations may then be arranged within a period of 4 months for an individual plan or 6 months for individual plan: autism/additional needs.

Your sleep practitioner will contact you by email or phone call to arrange follow up consultations. If we do not hear from you after two attempts, we will assume all is well and discharge you. 

Consultation Cancellation or Rescheduling

  • A minimum of two working days’ notice of cancellation is required
  • Given this notice a full refund less £10 administration fee will be made.
  • Cancellation with less than two working days’ notice, a full refund less £30 administration fee will be made.

Course Cancellation or Rescheduling

  • Given this notice a full refund less £140 will be made
  • Cancellation with less than two weeks’ notice, no refund is available
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