NICE guidelines – Autism Spectrum Disorder in Under 19s

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The NICE guidelines: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Under 19s: Support and Management offers recommendations for healthcare professionals, social care practitioners, children and young people with autism, and their families and carer on a range of issues including sleep and states children should be offered an assessment of their sleep (1.7.4) and have a sleep plan (1.7.6) prior to the use of any medication. (Updated June 2021)


The NICE guidelines: Autism Spectrum Disorder in Under 19s: Support and Management offers recommendations for healthcare professionals, social care practitioners, children and young people with autism, and their families and carer on a range of issues states that:

1.1.8 Health and social care professionals working with autistic children and young people in any setting should receive training in autism awareness and skills in managing autism, which should include:

  • the nature and course of autism
  • the nature and course of behaviour that challenges in autistic children and young people
  • recognition of common coexisting conditions, including:

- mental health problems such as anxiety and depression

 - physical health problems such as epilepsy

- sleep problems

- other neurodevelopmental conditions

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