Trafford Sleep Services Referral for 1:1

Trafford Sleep Services Referral for 1:1 Clinic Appointment

All parents and carers need to have attended a webinar before being referred for a 1:1 clinic appointment.

The webinars will give parents an understanding of sleep basics and an opportunity to implement some strategies prior to accessing this level of service.

Referral Criteria

Referrals to the 1:1 clinic can only be made by professionals for a child/young person who fulfils any of the following criteria:

  • An Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) and can be supported to implement a sleep plan by a school professional such as a SENCO or pastoral lead or,
  • An allocated worker, this can be any professional who is supporting the family and who has capacity to assist with the implementation of a sleep plan, for example an Intensive Family Support worker (IFS) or Early Help worker (EH) or the voluntary sector such as Home Start or,
  • Is under the care of a paediatrician regarding sleep issues.
  • Is a looked after child (under the care of the Local Authority)

If they have both an EHCP and an allocated worker the referral should be
made by the professional who is agreeing to support with the
implementation of the sleep plan.

If you have any queries relating to who can be an allocated worker, please get in touch – email

1:1 Clinic Process

  • On referral to 1:1 clinic parent/cares will be offered an appointment with a specialist sleep practitioner which will usually last about 1 1/2 hours and take place over Teams. During this appointment, the sleep practitioner will discuss your child’s general development and learning needs, their routines and sleeping difficulties in detail. The sleep practitioner will then devise a personalised sleep plan, tailored to meet the child’s needs.
  • The personalised sleep plan, will include practical strategies and advice and may be supported by a pack of tailored resources to support the child’s sleep plan such as visual schedule, Social Story etc.
  • A follow up appointment will take place to discuss progress with the sleep plan.

Children with an EHCP or a named worker can access this service.

Your child’s named case worker or other professional can make a refer by sending an Early Help Assessment or a Trafford Team Together form to

  • A specialist sleep practitioner will contact you to arrange an appointment.
  • The appointments will be for the parent or carer and will be on Teams.
  • Appointments will usually last about 1 1/2 hours.
  • The specialist sleep practitioner will ask you about your child and the types of sleep problems that they have.
  • As every child is different and you will be provided with a personalised sleep plan, tailored to meet the needs of your child.

Trafford Sleep Services is a commissioned service provided by Trafford Council and is free for residents of the borough whose children have sleep difficulties.

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