Trafford Sleep Services Webinars

Trafford Sleep Services Webinars

Sleep is a highly complex process which is affected by many aspects of our daily life, such as what we eat and drink. Join one of our Webinars to find out how to make simple changes that can have a profound impacts on how your child sleeps.

We offer a choice of webinars for parent’s and carers to attend. All of our Webinars will include information on sleep and provide strategies tailored to the age and development of the child.

  • Parents or carers of children aged 2 to 7 years. (Infant)
  • Parents or carers of children aged 7 to 11 years. (Junior)
  • Parents or carers of children aged 11 years and older. (Secondary)

We have tailored all of our webinars to cater for children with additional needs so please select the webinar for their age group.

All webinars are presented in person with the opportunity to ask questions.

Please book on the webinar that suits the age of your child.

Your Webinar Questions Answered

If you live in Trafford and are a parent or carer of a child aged 2 to 18 years who has sleep problems you can join a webinar to access free help and support. If your child is under 2 years of age please speak to your health visitor.

We offer a choice of webinars for parent’s and carers to attend. All of our webinars will include information on sleep and provide strategies tailored to the age and development of the child. Please book on the one that suits the age of your child:

  • Parents or carers of children aged 2 to 7 years. (Infant)
  • Parents or carers of children aged 7 to 11 years. (Junior)
  • Parents or carers of children aged 11 years and older. (Secondary)

We have tailored all of our webinars to cater for children with additional needs so please select the webinar for their age group.

Our webinars will be running regularly so please book onto one that suits you.

Click on the webinar you want to attend and fill in the booking form.

The webinars last 2½ hours.

Morning webinars start at 09:30 and last until 12:00.

Trafford Sleep Services is a commissioned service provided by Trafford Council and is free for residents of the borough whose children have sleep difficulties.

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