Service Category: TopLevelServices

Trafford Sleep Services

Welcome to Trafford Sleep Services (previously known as Sleep Tight Trafford), is a commissioned service provided by Trafford Council and is free for residents of the borough whose children have sleep difficulties. 

Sleep is something that we all take for granted, it is only when we don’t get a good night’s sleep that we realise how important it is for our health and wellbeing.

Sleep problems are very common in children, especially children with SEND. For some families the sleep problems are short lived but for others their child’s sleep problems can last for years and they can have a devastating impact on the whole family – leaving parents feeling exhausted and unable to function properly during the day.

Sometimes there are medical issues underlying sleep problems. If you are concerned that your child is snoring, has pauses in their breathing, gasping or chocking episodes during their sleep or unusual movement please seek advice from your GP.

Every child is different, and each family has its own needs and preferred parenting styles, but if you want to make changes to how your child sleeps, we are here to help.

Sleep is a highly complex process which is affected by many aspects of our daily life, such as what we eat and drink. Join one of our webinars to find out how to make simple changes that can have a big impact on how your child sleeps.

Please click on the Webinar button below to find out how to access help.

We offer a choice of webinars for parent’s and carers to attend.

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Parent/carers that have attended one of our sleep webinars and do not meet the criteria for a 1:1 appointment.

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Personalised sleep plan, tailored to meet the child’s needs.

Referrals to the 1:1 clinic can only be made by professionals for a child/young person.

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Working together to change children’s lives.

Working in partnership with Trafford Council

Sleep Services

This is a private service which is separate from Trafford Sleep Services which is a commissioned service provided by Trafford Council and is free for residents of the borough whose children have sleep difficulties. For Trafford Sleep Services please select

Does your child?

These are just some of the most common difficulties children struggle with.

We know that every child is different and that every home situation is unique that’s why we provide personalised sleep plans for each child – tailor made to suit their needs.

There are always different solutions and strategies that we can discuss to help improve your child’s sleep, it’s about working together that will make a difference to your child.

We Offer

Individual Sleep Plan


  • Pre-consultation sleep diary and questionnaire for completion prior to your consultation
  • 1 hour telephone or video consultation during which we will
    • discuss your child’s general development
    • discuss their routines and sleeping arrangements
    • review the sleep diary and questionnaire
    • complete an assessment of their sleep problems
  • Provide a personalised sleep plan, tailored to your child’s needs with practical strategies and advice
  • A follow up 30-minute consultation to review progress within 2 months of the initial consultation


Contact us to find out more – Contact Form.

Children with additional needs

Many parents are told that sleep problems are part of their child’s disability but there are always ways we can make a difference.
We know that children’s problems don’t magically disappear at 3 pm – in fact this is when many challenges begin!
We know that each child is different and understanding your child is the first step in being able to help them. Understanding how your child learns enables us to provide tailor made resources to help your child understand their sleep plan.
It is our intention to secure funding to enable any child to receive help to get a good night’s sleep but whilst we work on this, we can offer individual appointments.

Individual Sleep Plan: Autism/additional needs

We specialise in supporting children with autism /additional needs

Many parents are told that sleep problems are part of their child’s disability but there are always ways we can make a difference.

We know that children’s problems don’t magically disappear at 3 pm – in fact this is when many challenges begin!

We know that each child is different and understanding your child is the first step in being able to help them. Understanding how your child learns enables us to provide tailor made resources to help your child understand their sleep plan.

There are always different solutions and strategies that we can discuss to help improve your child’s sleep, it’s about working together that will make a difference to your child.

It is our intention to secure funding to enable any child to receive help to get a good night’s sleep but whilst we work on this, we can offer individual appointments.

  • Pre-consultation sleep diary and questionnaire for completion prior to your consultation
  • 2-hour telephone or video consultation during which we will
    • discuss your child’s general development and learning needs
    • discuss their routines and sleeping arrangements
    • review the sleep diary and questionnaire
    • complete an assessment of their sleep problems
  • Provide a personalised sleep plan, tailored to your child’s needs with practical strategies and advice
  • Provide a pack of tailored resources to support your child’s sleep plan such as visual schedule, Social Story etc.
  • Two follow up 30-minute consultations to review progress to be arranged within 3 months of the initial consultation.


Contact us to find out more – Contact Form.

Additional Follow-on Consultations

Parents requiring an additional follow up consultations within 6 months of your last appointment can book a half hour consultation


Contact us to find out more – Contact Form.

Training for Professionals: Autism Sleep Service

This training is specifically tailored for professionals with a minimum of 3 years’ experience of working with children with autism

  • 3-day course covers
    • Understanding Sleep
      • What happens when we sleep?
      • Common sleep problems
      • Impact of sleep problems
    • Assessing sleep problems
    • Sleep strategies
    • Creating a personalised sleep plan
    • Creating a resource package
  • 1 day follow up session

Price: £570 per person (reduced fees available for in-house training at £450 per person)

Minimum of 5 and maximum 12 participants per course

Participants will need access to their own laptop to complete practical activities.

Contact us to find out more – Contact Form.

Terms and Conditions

Therapy Services

Our service offers training sessions for parents, education, health and social care professionals on topics including:

Understanding Autism
  • This 5-hour course would be suitable for parents or professionals who are keen to learn about autism and includes an overview of
    • What is autism
    • Communication issues
    • Sensory issues
    • Understanding behaviour
    • From £825 for 15 delegates
Using visual strategies to support communication

This 5- hour course provides an insight into why we use visuals to support communication

  • How to tailor visual schedules to individual needs
  • and using symbols to communicate
  • From £825 for 15 delegates
Understanding restricted diet

This 5-hour course looks at:

  • The development of normal feeding
  • Why some children develop restricted diets
  • Practical strategies and advice to use at home/schools
  • Developing a whole school/service approach
  • From £825 for 15 delegates
Developing Continence Skills; A Step-by-Step Approach

This 5-hour course looks at:

  • The typical development of continence skills
  • Common problems
  • Practical strategies and advice for use in homes/schools
  • Developing a whole school/service approach
  • From £825 for 15 delegates
Autism consultancy
  • Advice for schools, respite or residential setting on the implementation of good autism practice.
  • Daily charge out rate £390 (plus travel if outside of Greater Manchester)

Training sessions can also be tailored to suit the needs of your organisation and provided in house

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Terms and Conditions

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